
2 week vacation/ transition

Just several hours ago I returned from a conference/ school on inner healing and deliverance. Half of us 'delegates' (students) were pastors or full time evangelists here in India - though from south to central to north. What an amazing time!
It was a vacation only in the fact that I took time off of work to come. Our schedule was full from morning to night with teachings, worship, and surrounded by prayer ... and of course with morning tea and afternoon tea in proper fashion.
I made so many wonderful friends and really found myself at new heights in focus, worship and prayer to God. I came in thinking that the main thing I would leave this time with was direction and guidance in knowing how to minister to fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who are struggling are hurting. But God had much more in mind! I have found wonderful healing for myself in some deep wounds. Oh what fantastic freedom I have in Christ from shame and fear in particular areas! And what a joy it was to intercede in prayer for so many during this time.
Praise God that He showed up and that we were able to truly see His movements among us and through us. This is definitely one of those precious mountain top experiences.
So now what? I do not even know what the rest of July looks like beyond next week, but I am not at all worried or anxious. God has a plan and it is His ministry that I am walking by faith into. Let's see where He leads. He has promised that it will be good.
(What an amazing site to see grown men and women doing action songs declaring Christ's light has come and that God is our strong tower.)
(We had marathon ping pong fun until midnight - or later - many days nights ... and of course had great dance music going too.)
(So, what's up with this? Microphones and I use to not get along. When God puts something on your heart, you cannot help but tell.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done for this wonderful blog.